Monday 19 March 2012

So that's what a hang over feels like


Woke up, ears ringing, head hurting, vision blurry and very confused.  I finished off the sandwich I had fallen asleep next to and got up to answer the ringing doorbell. Oscar was looking surprisingly spritely for somebody who had only had a few hours sleep. But I suppose I should be getting used to that.

I checked what damage I had done to my phone and to my wallet. Luckily the phone was okay and I hadn't made a (complete) fool of myself. But I had completely emptied my wallet, save the 3 ten yen coins I found in the card slots.

We set off to do some touristy stuff with our tour guide, Yuka (Daniel's girl friend).

Photo: Bryce on drums, Dennis on lead voice, Oscar shreds some sweet licks on his axe, Dan's the business man and we have Sammy J on the keytar.

We're sitting in a restaurant called 'fon', I know this only because it's the name of their wifi network. They sell... Fried stuff... It's looks like it's going to be a good hangover cure.

Photo: one of the best meals we've had

We decided to head to the abc shop now to get some shoes, but we didn't end up making it.We spent most of our time in a shop called loft. It was 7 floors and it had everything! An alarm clock on wheels, animal shaped rubber bands, darth vader hanging from the ceiling, costumes, xylophones.Everything. We lost the menace (I'm giving Sam Rogers this nickname) somewhere in the store and eventually gave up looking for him. Luckily though, we ran into him later on the street.

 Photo: Darth Vader looms over us as we peruse the toy section \.

Photo: Fact.

Photo: Fact.

Also, what do you think about the abbreviation complindy, as in Completely Indy.

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