Thursday 23 February 2012

Revenge is a dish best served cold


We arrived at snow drenched Hucuba Goryo at about 5pm. The temperature was well below zero, so stepping off the bus in shorts probably wasn't the best idea. But, you know, strangest thing, just as the cold was starting to get to me. Scumbag Sam pushed himself into a pile of snow (as an excuse to start a snowball fight).

And it.



We laughed. We cried. It changed our lives.

Not only did I realised all I ever wanted to do was read palms. Oscar taught an entire town how to moonwalk, Sam Rogers punched a monster truck, I think Bryce even killed a guy. And last, but not least truthful, Scumbag Sam saw the error of his ways. Earning himself the new title, Sensitive Sam.

Sufficiently warm, we asked directions at the chemist and before long arrived at our accommodation, Jimmy's house. Jimmy seems like a source of infinite snow boarding lingo, which, of course, we like.

Photo: A sign in Japan that actually makes sense, how ironic.

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