Ended up getting almost 8 hours sleep. Woke up feeling good. But as usual, we were in a rush, especially me. I just can't seem to coordinate myself in the morning. Everybody had left and I had forgotten something so I was about a minute behind.
I didn't bother tying up my boots, no time.
I was running for the train station, board in hand. And I see Oscar running in the opposite direction. He had forgotten his goggles. I had a momentary lapse of concentration, and the laces of my untied boots got caught...
I went down. Hard.
And hurt my hand pretty badly. Oscar came back with me to wash it off. And we still made out to the station before the train left.
If I had just walked... I would have made it. Hand intact :(
Photo: ...this still counts as a snowboarding injury right?
So I ended up trying to take it easy at Happo One...
...didn't really work out for me.
I strapped up my hand and after a couple of runs, we hit the park. I think I got 1 good jump in and about 20 bad stacks. Good numbers.
We went to the top of the mountain and there was a pretty amazing view.
Photo: a pretty amazing view
But. But. The snowboarding wasn't the crazy thing! The crazy thing was, of course, crazy steak restaurant guy, Paul.
We got to the Happo information center, when we had finished our day. And there he was...
He pulled over and offered is a lift. We declined, of course, telling him our bus was coming in 5 minutes.
..20 minutes later he drives past ...and we're still sitting at the bus stop
He pulls over, and guilts us into his car, he's like a conversational wizard! He tries to find out what we are doing tonight and we give away as. little. as. possible. Of course he continues to spruik a lift to Tokyo, which we haven't yet got the heart to refuse. Turns out we don't have a choice but to refuse anyway, since Daniel and his girlfriend are joining us shortly, and there will be too many of us.
We get back to the hostel, after enduring an uncomfortable number of awkward silences in Paul's van. Oscar cooks up some udon noodles and they taste, amazing. It was actually one of the best meals we've had.
We realise we've already missed the pub crawl we were going to go on.
But then a strange little man walks in from outside and tells us the pub crawl is just next door.
So we head off.
I only made it through two pubs. I was exhausted, and almost too tired to stand.
Luckily for me, Sam Rogers was too drunk to stand, so we both called it a night. But not before Sam poured his entire beer all over the floor.
We left the others to continue partying and I'm back Jimmy's house, writing this now, about to fall asl...
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